Terms of Use

Terms of Use

By using this website ( m.mobilyi.com ), you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth, so you should review these terms and take them into consideration:

1: Acceptance of the Agreement

By using the m.mobilyi website , you signify your full agreement to accept all the terms and conditions contained herein. You should not use this website if you do not agree to any of these standard terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions are incorporated into the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited from using this website.

2: Individual property rights

All trademarks displayed on this site are the property of the site. All content displayed on this site, including images, music, graphics, etc., is the exclusive property of the site and may not be used without prior permission from the site owner. We grant you permission to browse the Al Tamyiz News website and reuse some content for personal purposes only. You may not use the site for commercial purposes or merge the site with another site in any way. Any person or site found doing so will be subject to legal action.

3: Restrictions

If you use this website, you are prohibited from doing the following: 1. Using the website in an illegal manner or in violation of the Privacy Policy. 2. Engaging in any conduct that would disrupt, damage, or harm the website, interfere with the operation or content of the website, or with the use of any other person. 3. Using the website for advertising, marketing, or publicity purposes without prior permission from the website owner. 4. Spreading hatred, racism, obscene language, or defamation of a person or website, as this may expose you to legal action. 5. Removing any copyright or other intellectual property notices from the website or any content available on or through the website. Engaging in any of the above activities that violate the website policy may expose you to legal action.

4: Disclaimer

Your access to the m.mobilyi website and use of its content is at your own risk. The information we provide is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Al-Qalam News website is provided in good faith. However, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the website. This agreement may be amended from time to time as the website deems appropriate for its purposes, so please review it and abide by its terms.

5: Your Privacy

Please read the privacy policy. Your content must be your own, provided it does not violate the site’s rights. The site also reserves the right to remove any of your content without prior notice.

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