About the site
m.mobilyi is an Arabic website launched in 2024 that specializes in publishing professional Arabic articles on a daily basis, covering all fields with credibility, professionalism, and high expertise. Since its first day, m.mobilyi has aimed to raise the value of Arabic content and improve its quality by targeting all segments of society from various Arab countries. The m.mobilyi website has never been limited to a specific Arab country, but rather it is a website for all Arab readers, concerned with everything that interests them and most of what they search for.
There is no doubt that the Arab reader is distinguished by his intellectual freedom and high culture. For this reason, m.mobilyi decided to include all specializations and fields, cover all articles of interest to researchers, and satisfy their curiosity with articles whose content competes with all other sites and gains the trust and admiration of readers.
The m.mobilyi website consists of an administrative, editorial, and technical staff, as well as writers, authors, and content critics who form the link to produce content at a level befitting its pioneers. The Excellence Web team works to extract and derive accurate information from reliable global sources and writes it in a smooth and simple style to suit all readers, each according to his needs and inclinations.
m.mobilyi is a comprehensive Arabic website that aims to enrich Arabic content with various topics that fall under different categories such as: mobile news , iPhone , applications , technology , smart watches , Samsung , and other categories useful to the Arab reader.
Finally, thank you for your visit and we hope you will join our community and follow us on hiatk.com and other social media pages.
m.mobilyi.com was founded in 2024 by Tariq Al-Qarnawi, an education expert.
tarek mohamed
Founder of m.mobilyi